Change the Size (4th text box down) for both X (first option) and Y (2nd option) to the size of a frame in the spritesheet (a default RPG Maker MV frame of animation is 192 x 192).For UV (5th block of options, first option in that block) change it to Animation (3rd option in the list).

Click Load (2nd option from the top) next to Texture (2nd line of text).Go to Basic Render Settings (yellow cube icon).In the Options (cog wheel) set the View Mode to 2D.Open Effekseer and go to File > New Project.I did some digging into Effekseer and getting spritesheets to work is actually really easy. I see.One thing that has really bothered me with RPG Maker MZ was the removal of spritesheets. It would be tedious, but you can be certain the program would read them correctly. If smaller you could lay them out on the standard 48X48 spread sheet, then reduce the individual characters within the guidelines of the 48X48 gride. Remember to place the $ before the asset name so the program recognizes it as a single character sheet. If you were looking to go bigger than that it would probably be best to seperate the individual characters into their own sprite sheets. However, I do know MV recognizes VX & VX ACE 32X32 template characters and places them correctly. I've never used the XP program myself so I am not exactly certain what you're referring to. Because when you actually play the game the 32X32 tiles original form is what will be pulled up, & the 48X48 won't have pixilated from being shrunk to the 32X32 format. So if you were using a mix of old 32X32 assets & new 48X48 assets, resized to a 32X32 tile size, the pixilation you would get from enlarging the 32X32 tiles to the 48X48 size for the map editor wouldn't matter. Originally posted by xiiithharbinger:Yes, just remember that when you use the script, how the resized assests look in the designated folder, is what the game will look like.